10:17 PM
October 05, 2008 Hot Trends
Digital Photography - Where Have All The Lenses Gone
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 05:14:55 PDT
The camera consumer trend over the past five years has been to go digital. The development and use of Single Lens Reflex SLR] digital cameras has grown dramatically. The marked drop in use of large format film cameras and enlarging lenses reflects the decreasing market demand for those historically traditional film cameras. obvious that digita
Turn off cellphones, corral the kids
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:56:15 PDT
Fliers overwhelmingly oppose cellphone use in flight and favor separate sections for tots. At least, that's what TripAdvisor's annual Travel Trends survey of 3,117 U.S. travelers found. Some highlights...
Information on Professional Website Templates
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 19:08:04 PDT
Online Businesses Benefit from the Use of Professional Website Templates Business owners who employ a work from home business model often run their businesses from the comfort of their computer. Online businesses enable you to market your business products or services not just to your immediate locale but worldwide. This means that marketing online has to be quick and easy for the business owner in order for it to be practical. Online marketing also needs to be effective in order to bring in
Trends in Candidate Preferences Among Religious Groups
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:31:15 PDT
The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press includes analysis of the candidate preferences of major religious groups. These charts, based on People-Press surveys conducted on the dates indicated, will be updated as the Center's new surveys are released.
Video surveillance
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 20:51:39 PDT
10:35 PM | Comments (0) Friday, October 03, 2008 John McCain must not be president: Part 1 One reason John McCain must not be president: His choice of Sarah Palin as vice president. It was not because she has the substance to lead the nation. She does not. It was not because she has the character to be the leader of the free world. Again, she does not. It was not because she may be the country's foremost energy expert. She is not. John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a
College Students Were Actively Involved in 2004 Presidential
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:20:39 PDT
Students are not known for their active voting in elections; however, 2004 proved that they were quite active and trends point to students being more active than ever in 2008.
Cyber-criminals use Google trends (The Inquirer)
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 00:49:32 PDT
INSECURITY EXPERTS claim that cyber-criminals who want to steal data and take control of computers by luring victims to sites with hidden malware are using Google Trends as their weapon of choice.
Easy Blogger Creator
lorenzo lamas daughter
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 05:14:55 PDT
The camera consumer trend over the past five years has been to go digital. The development and use of Single Lens Reflex SLR] digital cameras has grown dramatically. The marked drop in use of large format film cameras and enlarging lenses reflects the decreasing market demand for those historically traditional film cameras. obvious that digita
Turn off cellphones, corral the kids
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:56:15 PDT
Fliers overwhelmingly oppose cellphone use in flight and favor separate sections for tots. At least, that's what TripAdvisor's annual Travel Trends survey of 3,117 U.S. travelers found. Some highlights...
Information on Professional Website Templates
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 19:08:04 PDT
Online Businesses Benefit from the Use of Professional Website Templates Business owners who employ a work from home business model often run their businesses from the comfort of their computer. Online businesses enable you to market your business products or services not just to your immediate locale but worldwide. This means that marketing online has to be quick and easy for the business owner in order for it to be practical. Online marketing also needs to be effective in order to bring in
Trends in Candidate Preferences Among Religious Groups
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 13:31:15 PDT
The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press includes analysis of the candidate preferences of major religious groups. These charts, based on People-Press surveys conducted on the dates indicated, will be updated as the Center's new surveys are released.
Video surveillance
Sat, 04 Oct 2008 20:51:39 PDT
10:35 PM | Comments (0) Friday, October 03, 2008 John McCain must not be president: Part 1 One reason John McCain must not be president: His choice of Sarah Palin as vice president. It was not because she has the substance to lead the nation. She does not. It was not because she has the character to be the leader of the free world. Again, she does not. It was not because she may be the country's foremost energy expert. She is not. John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a
College Students Were Actively Involved in 2004 Presidential
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:20:39 PDT
Students are not known for their active voting in elections; however, 2004 proved that they were quite active and trends point to students being more active than ever in 2008.
Cyber-criminals use Google trends (The Inquirer)
Fri, 03 Oct 2008 00:49:32 PDT
INSECURITY EXPERTS claim that cyber-criminals who want to steal data and take control of computers by luring victims to sites with hidden malware are using Google Trends as their weapon of choice.
Easy Blogger Creator
lorenzo lamas daughter
Labels: shayne llamas | shayne lamas | lorenzo lamas daughter